My Skills & Experience
I enthusiastically invite you to explore my work, Â skills, and professional experience and get to know me a little more. Â I firmly believe that a good challenge is a great way to develop and improve, which is why I look for challenges in both the professional and personal spheres of life.Take a moment to look around, and contact me directly to learn more.
Hello! I am a senior pursuing my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a Certificate in National Security at Florida International University (FIU). I enjoy murder mysteries and have always been intrigued by how the criminal mind works. After seeing the Hollywood portrayal of criminal profilers living a glamorous life, I decided to pursue a career in forensic psychology and create a similar course for myself. I started taking classes that could assist me in the legal aspects concerning Criminal Investigations and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems and then Global Terrorism. However, I found myself applying for a prestigious spot in FIU's Intelligence Community's Center for Academic Excellence (IC-CAE), Intelligence Fellowship Program, which introduced me to the fascinating realm of national security and global learning.
I am thrilled to say that the experiences and opportunities provided by FIU's Intelligence Fellowship and Global Learning program have helped develop my skill set. These programs facilitated my global awareness, a global perspective, and a passion for promoting global security and bridging the gaps in education and conflicted-affected areas. I learned from many trained professionals in the field, but I still have much to learn from others in the industry. I have grown tremendously throughout my time in the fellowship. Throughout this time, I learned structured analytical techniques, effective government communication, analytical writing, and critical thinking. I attended many workshops that allowed me to not only obtain information about agencies but also participate in simulations to experience the work they do.

The teacher of all things- Julius Caesar

Researched the avenues that help facilitate the proliferation of counterfeiting in Latin America and its impact on the private sector. Conducting research alongside mentors from the private sector and the intelligence community promoted critical thinking, analysis, teamwork, briefing, creativity, and adaptability.
Teaching conflict-affected students in the Middle East English and Paper Airplanes' tutor training facilitates a cultural understanding, particularly of Syrian refugees, that expands my perspective on the issues they face and the global environment. Furthermore, working with Paper Airplanes fosters meaningful relationships, leadership skills, and communication skills.

International Buddies
Global Learning's International Buddies program got me out of my comfort zone through speed dating and introduced me to an incredibly diverse group of wonderful people. I formed invaluable friendships in which I was able to learn about their cultures and their transition to life at FIU.
My Studies
Demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between regional, national, and global socio-political and cultural conditions and collective violent behavior as it relates to Global Terrorism.
Analyze multiple perspectives--e.g. religious, psychological, and sociological--on domestic, transnational, and international terrorism.
Formulate potential counterterrorism strategies related to domestic, transnational, and international terrorism .
Demonstrate an understanding of the many issues of defining and conceptualizing terrorism.
Demonstrate an understanding of the dilemmas and challenges of domestic security, intelligence gathering and civil rights.
Develop an understanding of the interrelationship between crime and punishment from an international and comparative perspective (GL).
Ability to compare and contrast criminal justice systems in terms of the major legal traditions used across the world, e.g., common law, civil law, and international law (GL).
Demonstrate knowledge of critical issues confronting global criminal justice systems as well as the international criminal justice system.
Students will be able to identify mechanisms to deal with issues of human rights violators and perpetrators of international crimes.
Ability to compare similarities and differences that occur in court structures and procedures in multiple countries as well as the international community.
• Illustrate an ability to engage in a multi-perspective psychological analysis of local, global, international, and intercultural psychological and social problems
• Identify the interrelatedness of local, global, international, and intercultural issues,
trends, and systems from psychological perspectives
• Provide evidence of engagement in local, global, international, and intercultural problem solving using psychological theories and methodologies.
• Have a more thorough understanding of how our unique culture and upbringing has shaped us and those around us
Understand the major theories that guide the field of health psychology. The course is based on the biopsychosocial model of health and illness.
Demonstrate knowledge of the seminal empirical foundations for our current knowledge of health psychology.
Assess and critically evaluate claims made in popular and empirical media for their scientific merit.
Understand and be able to articulate the role of psychological factors in health and illness.
Apply the practical information gained in the course to personal lifestyle choices.

"Think globally, act locally"
Patrick Geddes
Before transferring to FIU, I did not learn much about other cultures and the global environment. The most exposure I got to different cultures was through multicultural series on TV such as Disney Channel's Pass the Plate series, which taught viewers about food around the world. As aforementioned, I have always been a fan of true crime, so I immersed myself in the domain of Global Learning with the courses Comparative Criminal Justice systems and Global Terrorism. Through these courses, I learned about how crime, punishment, and legal traditions were perceived worldwide; this is important because it enables us to 1) learn from other nations and improve from their experiences 2) broaden our understanding of the world 3) Manage problems concerning transnational crime. These courses introduced me to a multitude of cultures, norms, religions, social groups, etc. I then strived to learn more about the global environment and was introduced to the Global Learning Medallion program. I took courses such as Global Psychology, Fundamentals of Globalization, Fundamentals of National Security, and Psychology of Health and Illness, which not only assisted in my global understanding but also provided me with the tools to excel whether I decided to pursue a career in psychology or national security.
Moreover, I was introduced to Paper Airplanes through my global learning journey, as I stated previously. Paper Airplanes is a nonprofit organization that matches individuals with personal tutors for 12-16 week sessions conducted via Skype and other video platforms to bridge gaps in language, higher education, and professional skills training for conflict-affected individuals. Through my Paper Airplanes experience, I was able to mentor someone in Amman, Jordan, who happens to be a UNICEF psychologist. As a result, we were able to learn from each other; he was able to provide me with invaluable insights concerning his career and life experiences. I learned that refugees were not people we should feel sorry for, refugees are not weak; they deserve respect and possess the abilities to accomplish so much. Refugees are mistreated yet strong, and we can assist them in unlocking their full potential through the proper embracement into the community. I have learned how to communicate through language barriers, deal with culture shock, about group dynamics, strategic planning, and cultural respect and inclusivity. Although my time in the Global Learning program has ended, my desire to learn about the world's people have not, and I will continue to pursue a career that allows me to improve the global community.